Wednesday, June 30, 2010

This week on Totally SA (04/07/2010)

Taxi Violence came to the Tuks FM studio to take a break from the Southern Pulse Winter tour and also performed not one...but TWO exclusive songs from their upcoming album which no one has even heard yet...well till they played the songs...

Building The Band hierdie week fokus op die electro side-project, Oorlog Frankenstein wat bestaan uit twee bekendes in die musiekindustrie...Peach van Pletzen en Francois Van Coke.

The Demo Discoveries kicks off and we play some of South Africa's up and coming bands and artists...but you decide who stays or parts ways with the Tuks FM airwaves...hehehe.

Marshall Music is giving away another voucher. So go buy airtime NOW so you can sms in a win win win!!

There might not be fireworks...but the 4th of July 2010 at 20h00 is going to be explosive and tuuuuuuuuuuune in on Tuks FM 107.2.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Episode 4: John Ellis

This week John Ellis came into our studio to talk Dawie about his music career, from his High School band, to his Tree 63 days, till now! John has also just launched his brand new album, so check out the links below if you want to find out more. He performed two acoustic songs, "Own Way Home" (from his solo album, Come Out Fighting) and "Alright" (a popular Tree 63 song).

Episode 4: John Ellis

(left to right: J.D. [production], John Ellis, Dawie [presenter], Jono [Red Flag PR])

On Capturing the Cover, we looked at the song The Living Daylights. Originally by a-Ha, but covered by the South African hard rock band, The Narrow!

Bouwer Bosch (van Straatligkinders / Dans Dans Lisa) het kom gesels oor hoe musikante kan uitbrei in die musiekindustrie. Hy het ons vertel van sy NGO/NPO Liefde Wen en ook van sy liefde vir musiek-videos! Gaan kyk bietjie sy cool musiek-videos wat hy self geskiet, verfilm, ge-edit en vrygestel het.

In studio P.J. gave away a Marshall Music gift voucher and also A LOT of Southern Pulse Winter tour tickets...

Brand new music by Jack Parow was played and our Local Is Lekker Classic Track was by Sugardrive!

Enjoy your week music lovers!!!
Check out the links:

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

This week on Totally SA (27/06/2010)

This week the frontman for Tree 63, John Ellis is on the show talking about his new solo album and about his musical journey. The Living Daylights is our song on Capturing The Cover and our Industry Expert is Straatligkinders / Dans Dans Lisa frontman Bouwer Bosch who talks about how a musician can branch out to different field in the music industry.

Marshall Music is giving away discount vouchers and we have gig-tickets for a couple of the Southern Pulse Winter Tour Hotbox, Pretoria (29 June 2010) and at Tings an' Times (01 July 2010) feauting bands like Zebra & Giraffe, Ashtray Electric, Taxi Violence, Rambling Bones, Wrestlerish, and many more!

Tune in Sunday (27/06/2010) on TuksFM 107.2 at 20h00 for some good times for your cold winter ears!!
BAFANA made us proud!! Great job guys!!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Episode 3: Die Tuin Dwergies

Die Tuin Dwergies - Handtekeninge

(Die Tuin Dwergies se handtekeninge op hulle EP, Tuis Gekweek)

Hierdie week se gaste was die oorspronklike tradisionele Afrikaanse dwerg-musiek groep, Die Tuin Dwergies. Die manne het met Dawie kom gesels oor onder andere oor hoe hulle begin het as 'n band, hoe hulle self hulle eerste EP, Tuis Gekweek, by hulle huis opgeneem het, en oor Shakira en San-Mari van 7de Laan gesels...hehehe. Hulle het twee akoestiese liedjies opgevoer: "Sy SĂȘ" (vanaf Tuis Gekweek) en ook 'n eksklusiewe weergawe van "Glip Glip Vingers" (vanaf hulle opkomende album wat aan die einde van Julie 2010 vrygestel sal word).

Episode 3: Die Tuin Dwergies

(links na regs: Pieter, Jean, Dawie [aanbieder], Emile, Dawie)

As jy meer wil uitvind oor Die Tuin Dwergies, besoek dan hulle Facebook links:
Tuindwergies Artists:!/dietuindwergies?ref=ts

Building The Band hierdie week het gefokus op die mal zef futuristic groep, Die Antwoord. Dawie het gaan kyk waar alles begin het by The Original Evergreens, na Max Normal, na MaxNormal.TV, na The Constructus Corporation tot by Die Antwoord.

Dawie het ook met Garth van Marshall Music gepraat oor hulle winkel in Woodmead en hoekom hulle betrokke is by Totally South African.
To contact Marshall Music please visit:

Louis Janse Van Rensburg van Gardenlight Productions het met ons kom gesels oor band management en booking agencies.
Gaan kyk bietjie na Gardenlight Productions se Facebook bladsy vir meer inligting en word 'n fan!

eF-eL het die aand afgeskop en musiek van Tree 63 was gespeel as ons Local Is Lekker Classic Track.

Bands and artists who want to get their music on to the show should send an e-mail to:

Lekker week, kom nou BAFANAAAAAAAAAAAA, high 5!!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

This week on Totally SA (20/06/2010)

Die Tuin Dwergies kom maak 'n draai en kom deel met ons van hulle oorspronklike Afrikaanse dwerg-musiek. Ons het 'n nuwe insetsels genaamd, Building The Band waar ons die week fokus op die groep Die Antwoord en ons Industry Expert die week is Louis Janse Van Rensburg van Gardenlight Productions.

Daar is ook Marshall Music geskenkbewyse en "gig-tickets" wat weggegee word...

Skakel in Sondag (20/06/2010) op TuksFM 107.2 om 20h00 vir goeie tye op die radio-golwe!!

Monday, June 14, 2010

Episode 2: Tidal Waves

Tidal Waves - Signatures

(Tidal Waves' signatures inside the booklet of their album, Manifesto)

Our featured band that came in for an interview with Dawie this week was...Tidal Waves. Fresh from the International African Festival in Germany and Strab Festival in Mozambique, the band came and spoke about their love for music and how Tidal Waves has grown over the past 11 years of being in the music industry. They also performed two acoustic versions of songs from their latest album, Manifesto ("What You Got" and "Lufuno").

Episode 2: Tidal Waves

(left to right: Zakes, Sam, Dawie [presenter], Jaco, Charlie)

Our Industry Expert this week was Arno Carstens who told us about his experiences as a South African musician travelling and performing across the world. Arno is currently on tour promoting his new album, Wonderful Wild and is performing at big overseas festivals like Latitude, Hensley and Isle Of Wight in the upcoming months.

Garth from Marshall Music told us about their current special on Vater drumsticks and how Takamine guitars are now endorsing Steve Hofmeyr!

Our first feature for Caturing The Cover focused on the song Cocaine reworked by the South African rock group Van Coke Kartel.

The show also featured music by: Taxi Violence and Springbok Nude Girls.

Enjoy the soccer!! BAFANA!!!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

This week on Totally SA (13/06/2010)

This week our featured band being interviewed is...Tidal Waves! Tune in to also hear them perform two acoustic versions of songs from their latest album, Manifesto. We catch up with Arno Carstens who is our Industry Expert this week and find out how his South African leg of his current tour has been. This week we also have our first Capturing The Cover feature with the song Cocaine...

Tune in Sunday (13/06/2010) at 20h00, and remember to send your requests for the Totally South African Total Radio Takeover at 21h00 on the text/sms line 34996...

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Episode 1: Straatligkinders

(Straatligkinders se handtekeninge op hulle Sweef Soos 'n Vuishou album)

Die eerste gaste op Totally South African was die Potch rock groep Straatligkinders. Hulle het met Dawie kom gesels oor hulle ervaringe as 'n Afrikaanse rock band in die Suid-Afrikaanse musiekmark en hoe hulle as band sekere belangrikke lesse geleer en steeds leer. Hulle het ook twee akoestiese liedjie opgevoer: "Avontuur Van 'n Hartbreek" (vanaf hulle album Bloeisels) en "Hande Wat Dra" (eksklusief vanaf hulle nuwe album Lank Lank Oorlede En Sesvoet Benede...beskikbaar Julie 2010). Links vir die videos van hierdie "In Studio Acoustic Session" sal binnekort beskikbaar wees...byt net vas...

Episode 1: Straatligkinders

(links na regs: Bouwer, Ruan, Louis [bestuurder], Dawie [aanbieder], Hein, Bennie)

Hier is solank links waar jy meer kan uitvind oor Straatligkinders:
Facebook (Gesigboek...hahaha):!/straatligkinders?v=info&ref=ts

Musiek van Foto Na Dans, Arno Carstens, Jax Panik en Not My Dog was alles op die program gewees.

Dawie het ook met P.J. kom gesels waaroor Totally South African gaan, wat luisteraars kan verwag in die nabye toekoms, met Garth van Marshall Music gepraat oor hulle winkel in Woodmead en bietjie gehieme musiek industrie nuus gedeel...
To contact Marshall Music please visit:

Bands and artists who want to get their music on to the show should send an e-mail to:

Wat het julle gedink van die eerste uitsending?
Lekker week, high 5!!

It all starts tonight...

Hi friends and fans of South African music!!

Tonight (06/06/2010) is the first Totally South African on TuksFM 107.2 at 20h00! Our featured band this week is: Straatligkinders. They tell us more about their experiences as a band and perform two acoustic songs for us (one exclusively from their brand new album launching in July 2010...and you get to hear the title of the new album first).

Dawie will also be in studio talking to P.J. about what the show is all about and tell you a little bit about the features that the show will have in the near future...

Thank you to Marshall Music for being the awesome sponsor for this show, Barney Simon for putting the wheels in motion, and J.D. Mostert for the production...

Tell your friends and tune in at 20h00!